Thursday, July 21, 2005

Mr. Lumpy Bumpy

Tonight the search came to an end.

Kelly has been doing research and product testing on various mattress' to replace Mr. Lumpy Bumpy, and tonight we found his replacement. A Sealy Reflexion, the newport beach mattress in the Reflexion line to be exact, of all the mattress' we laid down on, that one felt the best. But what is really important here is the fact that Com Sunday night we will be sleeping on a new mattress.

Now I should note that the old mattress was a Simmons Beauty Rest, a good mattress when we bought it. But only five years later it has literally broken down. There is a dent where Kelly used to sleep and of course a dent where I used to sleep. Even with the semi-regular rotations, a mattress like this should have lasted 10 years or more. And five years later, kelly is ready to throw it off the porch.

So then you might ask, what size did we buy?

Well King size of course, so we have enough room for our two cats who sleep with us as well.


Blogger Shocho said...

A new mattress is a wonderful thing. You don't really know how much you need one until the new one feels SO good. Congrats.

6:29 AM, July 22, 2005  
Blogger erika said...

even small cats take up a lot of room.

one cat= 3/4 person.

10:05 PM, July 22, 2005  

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