Thursday, June 09, 2005

Never really all that good But I really loved to play

Well I never thought this day would come but here it is. A day when I couldn’t play soccer on a TUES or THURS, not because it was raining or because I had to take care of something at lunch, but because somebody has endeavored to try and kick us off the field we have played on for all these years.
Now before it happened in the back of my mind I sort of knew it was coming one day, although I thought it was going to happen a long time ago when we played in that little triangle piece of a grass over in the freemason neighborhood. I though for sure that one of the older people who lived in the building right next to it would try to kick us off or one of the people who lived in the town houses surrounding the park would complain and try to get rid of us. But they never did; quite the opposite, there was actually a few times when people came by and said that they really liked seeing us play soccer there and that sometimes they would sit inside their apt’s and watch us play. Some had even worked out our pattern so they knew when to look for us. Any TUES or THURS when it wasn’t raining. Then one day, and I am not sure why, we moved.
We left that little piece of grass for a bigger piece of grass,Town Point park and we left those people behind. One day we just stopped showing up, without even leaving them a note. Here they were hospitable enough to let us play in their neighborhood and we left one day without even a word.
And so for years now we have played at Town Point Park, it’s hard to recall how long for sure but I think at least 3 years now. There were some periods when this person or that person couldn’t make it out, quite a few when it was me. But it seemed like as long as it wasn’t raining or snowing there was a game being played on tues or thurs lunch at Town Point. Some days it was pretty cold, others blistering hot, but people kept coming out to play. I wish now I had played more during all those years. I think that for the last year there have been some days when it was what got me to work in the morning. I would hear it in my mind “Get out of bed, get up, it’s a soccer day… don’t forget your gear” But this morning when I woke up I thought for a moment it was a soccer day and then realized… it wasn’t. later that morning Kelly really drove it home, when we were getting ready for work and she said “no, soccer today?” to which I had to reply “no, soccer today.”
I realize I am really having trouble accepting the fact that this might be the end to soccer. That in fact it won’t be that I got another job that will force me to give up Tues / Thurs soccer. But an employee at Festevents named Jeff Morrison, who took it upon himself to go find a police officer and have us kicked off the field. I hope that in the end we can get the right people to take notice and to say “Soccer in the park is part of what makes Norfolk great.” Maybe if portfolio writes that article about us, maybe we will win the good fight and get our Tues/Thurs soccer back.



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