Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday morning Fishing

Originally uploaded by doornumbertwo.
This morning I got up at 4 am to go fishing with my father-in-law 'Ron'. I rolled out of bed and threw on some clothes. Clothes that I had set out the night before, so as not to have to turn on a light and wake theBookworm. I grabbed my tackle box, my thermos and my Kelsyus Chair and headed down to the Jeep. My rods were at Ron's house, since the last time we went and it just works out better to leave them there. At least until fishing season is over.

Usually what happens is when I arrive Ron's got the gear ready to go and is set to load up the fishing truck. This morning was no different. I helped him with the fishing cart I made him back for fathers day. (see earlier blog) and we were all loaded up and ready to go.

As we headed to Sandbridge and the fishing peir out that way Ron tells me he didn't sleep at all last night and is feeling like shit. I ask why he didn't just call it off and he just says something like, "it's fishing, man."

We get to the 7-11 at the end of Sandbridge road the one that marks the turn and I pull in to fill my thermos, chat it up with the lady working the counter and get back on the road. This is a good stopping place for me and it seems like I stop there every time we go to Sandbridge. Especailly with the sun, still not up yet.

We pull onto Sandbridge road and head into the darkness and around the winding roads, meanwhile my mind wanders, thinking about the fishing pier that seems so far down the road.

Ron was out there last wednesday and the Drum were running. The guys at the end of the pier must have pulled in about 20 or more in the time he was there and the weather is supposed to be good for a repeat performance today.

It's been an hour since we left Ron's hosue and we are finally walking up the pier, gear loaded up, our eyes scanning the surf ahead. As we get to the top of the walk, our fears are confirmed, all those cars in the parking lot are do equate to people that are fishing on the pier. And not people who are fsihing from the shore.

Ron pays the girl who is manning the gate and we walk down the pier to a point a little past halfway. Close enough to the end to cast out, but far enough away to not be in the way of the pack that are hanging out at the end.

The guys out this morning are serious about fishing and don't take lightly to newbies casting over their lines or getting in the way and causing the loss of a fish. Me, still a newbie, I'll stay out of the way.

So we set up our gear, rig our lines with cut bait and cast out, ready to try our luck.

And as luck would have it, it was a good fishing day.


Blogger Dave(id) said...

Nice fish!!! Funny, I had just read that Sandbridge was smokin' and I wondered if you were on it. Obviously you was all in it like pork in BBQ

9:39 PM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger The Information Officer said...

Where did you read about sandbridge?

I need to locate some local websites where I can track what's happening in the fishing scene.

5:12 AM, September 28, 2005  
Blogger Dave(id) said...
scroll to the bottom and you'll see fishing forecast.

12:13 AM, September 29, 2005  

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