Saturday, September 24, 2005

Not a professional collector

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Originally uploaded by doornumbertwo.
The other day I went and had lunch with a friend at a new all day breakfast place, well a place that was new to me at least.


For lunch, we ordered breakfast of course and the coffee came in this mug.

As soon as I saw it I had to have it, so I negotiated with the waitress to get it. She told me it was going to be $5. Standard response from these sort of establishments.

Either they will sell them to you for $5 or you have to steal them, if they won't.

Well over the course of the years I have procurred a couple of mugs, most in the previously mentioned fashions. However a couple have come from friends that know.

Those are just as good if not better, cause then I make it a mission to go find one of those places and eat there.

Cause I like to be able to say I have eaten at the eastablishment that the cup came from.

So why am I not a professional collector. Well normally a true collector knows the size of the set they are collecting, and the rarity involved in obtaining any given piece.

I am more like somebodies Mom or grandma who collects silver spoons. I like them< I get them when I find them. But I am not worried about collecting the whole set.


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