Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The search begins for a MAN BAG!

Originally uploaded by doornumbertwo.
So I have noticed that I carry a lot of crap with me. Which works out okay if you wear a coat cause you can stuff the pockets with the stuff. But when it's warmer as it was unseasonably so, in the middle of winter you find that you can't carry all that stuff so you pare down. But what if I had a... shhhhh man bag.

Then I could carry the notebook I want, the sketch book (different book) the mechanical pencil, sharpie and the pen, Ipod, and various other crap. Well that sounds a lot like a purse now doesn't it ?!?

Well maybe the ladies have somehow F'd us on this one. How come they can rightly carry a bag with some serious storage while we are left to our pants pockets or carrying a bag and being called a NANCY boy.

Why I ask you?

Well I for one have been in search of that one bag that you can carry and still possess your manhood.

can be seen better here www.maxpedition.com.
And here are the two bags I have narrowed it down to. But I keep flip flopping on the final decision. I like them both. But should I get the one that hangs down like the one above and looks clean on the outside. Or should I get the one that kind of slings around your side and is probably more ergonomic. The sling styled one has all these pouches, that the other one doesn't have.

Is this how it goes for girls...

which one should I get? Does it match my outfit? Will it look good with most of what I wear?

This is exactly why people like Squarepants have so many purses. How can you expect just one bag to do all the different things you require in all those different situations.

Perhaps I should just get both. Did all that sound real weird to you too?


Blogger erika said...

your bag should match your shoes and belt :-)

9:27 AM, January 25, 2006  
Blogger Shocho said...

dood! I just bought a new backpack, aka man purse. I'll put up a photo. It's black to go with my new depressing Pacific Northwest wardrobe. I'm wearing my black and grey "running" shoes now, so very ensemble.

This purse was hanging up on the wall with a hand lettered sign that said "LAPTOP READY" which means "GEEK BUY ME."

I should put up a picture. Oh shit, this should be MY blog post!!!


xerxes is zipping very tight

11:20 AM, January 25, 2006  
Blogger jenifer lake said...

honestly now, go maxpedition and you run the risk of looking like a total dork. (and maybe i won't even want to walk down the street with you -j/k), go with the other one...

2:14 PM, January 25, 2006  

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