Monday, June 27, 2005

GRADUATED - Class of 2005

Well I promised you more on this later and here it is, I don’t think I can put it any better than the analogy I was told at the bar the night of my lay off. And since I think there is nothing more appropriate than to use an analogy when talking about the whole experience, and for those of you that shared in the experience you’ll know why, Iam going to take that analogy and expand on it for you here.

This analogy likens the whole experience to going to high school in your senior year.

Everybody knows the end is coming, but nobody wants it to. We all really like the people we get to hang out with everyday and we all wish we could make it last forever, that it would never end. But eventually school is over and then the summer comes, and when it does you will each go your separate ways. Everybody promising to keep in touch with one another, some better at it then others, but all with the best of intentions.

Later you’ll probably look back fondly on those times you had at school. The things you learned, the stuff you did. You might even catch up with some of your old class mates every now and again. But sadly those times are in the past for you now and you can’t have them back. They are but memories for you to mull over, lessons learned, projects accomplished and people that you met along the way. But it’s time now for you to move on, to move on to bigger and better things. To take what you have learned in school and apply it to the real world.

So go out into that world and show them that the school you went to taught you some good lessons and some hard lessons. But now that you’ve learned those lessons there is no reason for you to go back to learn those same lessons again.

This sums up for me my experience better than anything else. Today I am a graduate of the class of 2005, and I walk proudly with the other members of my graduating class, knowing that while we were in school we made it a better place. A place other people wanted to attend a place of distinction. And there will never be another class like those that graduated in 2005.

And for those of you that are still in school and haven’t yet graduated, I would tell you. Enjoy the time you have with the people you have. But don’t wait for the summer to come before figuring out what your going to do in the real world. Because one day you too will graduate.


Blogger Roycer said...

This story sounds like the speach my boss gives me every time I screw up.....and he flips things around from problems into challenges.....I don't like my boss too much.

Seriously, I am glad you are working through it, and yes, as the days go on you will find something else, and continue to be a productive human being, but for now, its okay to be bummed for a bit, a grieving process......I can't really relate to the graduation story as I was VERY glad to get out of school since I moved around a alot in high school and didn'tget too close to many friends. Thanks for posting your thoughts!

9:43 AM, June 27, 2005  
Blogger TheGirard said...

Apparently I didn't learn enough. i got stuck in summer school.

2:52 PM, June 27, 2005  
Blogger The Information Officer said...


I don't have any idea who you are and you certainly don't know me if you think I am at all bummed about the whole thing.

I am glad to be out of there and moving on to better things. I was out that day and when I heard they were laying people off I WENT IN, to get laid off.

If you had any idea who I was; or what was really going on, you would have no doubt that I got the better end of the deal on this one.

6:48 PM, June 27, 2005  
Blogger Aussie-Askew said...

It is the only school where you graduate (well, not so much graduate as get to go on summer vacation) because the teachers spent all the school fees.

3:58 PM, June 30, 2005  

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