Sunday, December 18, 2005

TraderJoes in Newport News!

Originally uploaded by doornumbertwo.
On many of our journeys to washington DC, Bookworm and I would make sure to stop at a Trader Joe's This picture is just one of those times.

But NOW we've discovered there is a Trader Joe's in Newport News...

NEWPORT NEWS ?!? what gives!

Why on Earth wouldn't they put it in Norfolk ?!? What is in Newport News that convinced them to locate there? Is it close proximity to both williamsburg and Virginia Beach. Is Newport News, the midway point. Just close enough so that people from either local would go.

Well we will be going for sure, and probably this week! Maybe we can meet some of our good friends while we are there.


Blogger Brad said...

I KNOW! Why Newport News??

8:39 AM, December 19, 2005  
Blogger erika said...

1. Bookworm with short hair! Cute!

2. Farm Fresh has Kashi.

3. The peninsula is not as backwards are you south-siders seem to think. Imagine that: the Peninsula ACTUALLY HAVING SOMETHING THE SOUTHSIDE DOESN'T (yet).

Imagine, actually getting in your car! Driving someplace!! Holy smokes!

Newport News is a location to which many from the middle Peninsula (York County, Tabb, etc) often go. They have as much money and snobbery as any Virginia Beach resident.

A friend from Williamsburg asked "Why not Williamsburg?"

Yes, Virginia, there ARE people on the peninsula who have money and taste. Jeez.

12:16 PM, December 19, 2005  

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