Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by doornumbertwo.
So in we moved. We spent all day friday moving. The movers arrived at 8 am and finally left at 3 pm. The company "A friendly Movers" were great I would use them again.

Actually I should say the movers, Tony, Jason, and Steve were great, I don't really know that much about the company other than they hired these guys who moved us.

So that is also one reason why the blogging is slowing down a bit this month. We've been crazy busy trying to get all the bric - a - CRAP moved fomr the old place to the new place before the end of the month. Wish us luck!

For more photos of the moving click on the flickr link down and to the right.

And can you believe that all the boxes in this picture, well minus a few for the kitchen are boxes of books.

Cause one day when were old and gray we are going to open a used bookstore and coffee shop. And so we have started collecting now so we'll have enough books by the time we are older. ;)


Blogger Major Rakal said...

Yeah, I can believe they're all books. Looks about like the hoard of books I moved three times in the last four years. :-)

9:53 PM, February 15, 2006  
Blogger Hayden said...

Looks like half the books my father had to move from his old house to where he is now. Having to to that oncew, ith my mothern early having a nervous breakdown and the movers nearly refusing to move all the books, he has since taken to getting rid of as many unessential books as he can; there's another move on the horizon for my parents.

10:11 AM, February 18, 2006  

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