Monday, June 20, 2005

Friday Nights are now the beginning of my relaxation period.

Friday nights used to be broken up between drinking and going out to a movie, a show, or some bodies house for a party. All through my early twenties I used to pretty much do just that. There was always something going on, and I always felt compelled to be a part of it. But lately, now that I am in my early thirties I have found my Friday nights to be the beginning of my relaxation and recooperation time. Friday night is the beginning of my weekend and on the weekends I just want to relax.
Now this has been definitely been a slow adjustment for me. It certainly didn’t happen overnight, for so long now if I wasn’t going all the time I felt like I was being lazy. There was no such thing as just sitting down to relax. That was just being lazy, if I was sitting down I had to have some sort of project to complete that required being in a seat. However lately I have been getting better at the relaxation, probably because I am consciously working at it. I plan out my weekend relaxation making sure it is included in the weekend plans. Blocking out time for it, making sure I have all the necessary components lined up to accomplish it. I make sure every weekend I am prepared to and have the appropriate time set aside for relaxation. Now sure you might say that pre-planning and blocking out time for it is not quite the “right way” to relax. But like I said I’m still working on it
This past Friday, Kelly’s dad, Ron and I planned on going fishing at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel fishing pier. So during the week I made the appropriate plans and got the appropriate equipment ready and was ready to go fishing when Friday came. Friday I was ready to relax.

And relax I did.


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