Monday, December 26, 2005

How to get the perfect shave.

One of the things I got for X-mas was a new shaving brush, my old one having gotten pretty much worn out.

I have been shaving with a brush and soap now for the last year and I like it better than using the foam that comes from a can. Aside from the positive aspect of not using an aerosol can, for the environment, the lather feels and smells better to me.

So this x-mas Bookworm got me a new brush and also printed out an article for me about shaving and how to enjoy it more. Now here's the irony, I learned form the article that it seems most people buy a nice razor first and then a shaving brush. Instead I bought the brush to be done with the aerosol can but continued to use the disposable razor cause it was convenient.

But this article she printed me out, said that one should be using a safety razor,, you know one of those old style razors that were popular way back before the disposable. And better yet if your a man of discerning "wet shaving" tastes you might use a straight razor instead and get that truly professional barber shop shave.

Well the safety razor I can see. But the straight razor brings visions of one morning I might be half asleep shaving, as often happens, and slit my own throat. Well as you can imagine that doesn't sit to well with me. Sure there are men who shave everyday with a straight razor, and survive it, but I'll bet there are quite a few trips to the ER in the beginning and I think the majority of those men started cause it was cool, not cause they thought anything about that quality barber shop shave.

So I think I am going to give up a little cool factor on this one and go with the safety razor, in fact I think I may even go with a Merkur, based on the info in the article that Bookworm printed for me, called "How to get the perfect shave."

And since I have to shave every morning for my job, well except the weekends when I give my face a break, I really did appreciate that she gave it to me.

So I am now passing it on to all of you, that read my blog in the hopes that you either read it or pass it along to the men in your lives. Boyfriends, fathers, brothers whatever, because I know I found some good bits in there. And the hopes that one day, shaving could be a more enjoyable experience and not a daily CHORE that I trudge through in the morning. Well I think everybody would really appreciate that.

And for more information one might visit:
the wet shavers messageboard

Corey greenberg talkas about shaving

Shaving Blog


Blogger The Information Officer said...

Remembered that once upon a time I had my grandpa sanders gillette safety razor. So I went digging and came up with it. Then a little cleaning and some sanitizing solution and I might be in business.

And best yet it was my grandfathers razor, not some strangers that I bought off e-bay. Although I might do that as well with a different gillette model to compare.

11:11 PM, December 26, 2005  
Blogger Shocho said...

Great post, great links. I'm thinking about the brush. The description of how it works makes sense.

7:53 AM, December 27, 2005  
Blogger The Information Officer said...

So now I am off nerd burgling about the nuances of shaving.

Wow, what a lost art it seems to be, till you start doing some internet searching and find this whole level of underground shave-o-files, that have messageboards and websites filled to the brim with information about shaving.

Makes you wonder what other daily task has such devotees.

7:38 PM, December 27, 2005  
Blogger The Information Officer said...

Something else to check out.
the perfect shaving technique

9:56 PM, December 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found the perfect time-saver for's at:

They even have a TV video on there
and the woman shaves her right leg in 16 seconds with this dual-headed razor. They have a plastic disposable AND a metal nondisposable model...that you can replace the TRAC II blades on.

3:34 PM, December 31, 2005  

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