Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pay it Forward

So tonight well today really as the night has only just begun I sat down in the living room with a bowl of ice cream and turned on the TV.

“What ?!?” you might say, “I thought you worked all the time?!?” Not this time, this time was planned lazy time, and so I sat down with no laptop, and no additional projects, just a bowl of ice cream and the intent to watch TV.

I started on Fox Sports, then somehow migrated to MTV and stopped on TBS to watch the last part of a movie called Pay it Forward.

Assuming most of you have seen it I won't bore you with all the details. I will just say that this movie absolutely worked me over emotionally. Now this isn't the first time I have seen this movie, I saw the entire thing in it's entirety a while back. But even then this movie got to me.

The actors in this movie do such an amazing job of portaying their characters, especially Haley Joel Osment. But beyond that I love the core idea of the movie. The idea that you might do something for 3 other people and they might go on to do something for 3 other people and so people helping people increases exponentially.

Certainly idealistic, maybe even blindly utopian, but deep down don’t we all want to believe that we would be that way ourselves. Don’t we wish the world was really that way.


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