Thursday, November 24, 2005

Mmmm music returns to the house

So now with this rediscovery of music and the joy of listening to it. I went out and upgraded the old equipment. I have had my CD player for well over 10 years and the DVD player is the sony playstation 2. So knowing that technology has advanced since then; I went looking on the internet.

Now some of you know that back in May I was looking at the S(uper) A(udio) C(ompact) D(isc) technology and trying to figure out how to get a player that would play them for less than a few thousand dollars. Well I found one that not only plays CD's and DVD's but also the elusive SACD's. So I bought it.

I suspect I have just entered into the audio equivalent of the BETA vs. VHS war, a long drawn out debacle the ended with the winner not being decided by quality but by marketing.

So now we have DVD-audio vs. SACD; and the debate is already going on over the web. Now I don't know which has the better fidelity or sound. And I am not that sure I could discern the subtleties in the highs that everyone else can. But I was very intrigued by the prospect of some Music recorded in 6 channels that would envelope you in the experience.

Tomorrow I am going to buy some SACD's; and the one cable I didn't have; a component video cable If only tomorrow weren't black friday...


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